Robotics and Autonomous Solutions
Underwater Photogrammetry
IVM Technologies
HYDRO 300, HYDRO 1000, HYDRO 3000
HYDRO 300 is an underwater photogrammetry 3D reconstruction device developed by IVM Technologies that achieves sub-millimeter accuracy. Hydro 300 utilizes 2 cameras with large 1" 12 MP imaging sensors, GPU-based image processing engine, and 75,000 lumen integrated high-intensity LED to generate the best quality 3D point cloud data even in high turbidity conditions. Hydro300 can be installed on various type of ROVs from small, mid-size obervation class, and to large work class. Number of measurements in actual environment are made and commercially used in various applications such as oil & gas, civil engineering, underwater archaeology and offshore renewables.
HYDRO 300 continuously captures still images of an object underwater, generates 3D point clouds from this data, and creates a 3D rendering model. Point cloud data is output in real time, and the following post-processing enables modeling reproduction accuracy with sub-millimeter. In spool metrology IVM has achieved an accuracy of 1/9,000 scale and was Bearau Veritas certified in 2019.
IVM has shown HYDRO 300 capability by creating a high-definition 3D models such as natural coral reefs, wave-dissipating blocks installed on the seabed, damage to harbor revetments, and corrosion expansion of underwater steel structures.
HYDRO 300 is the standard model with pressure rating to water depth of 300 m, and likewise, HYDRO 1000 is up to 1000m water depth.
HYDRO 3000 consists of dedicated and seperate containers for cameras and processor, that can withstand water depth of 3000m. Each series are already integrated and mounted on various ROVs and proved to have capability to be used in actual operation.

Kraken Robotics
Acoustic Corer (AC), Sub-Bottom Imager (SBI)
In construction phase of offshore project, minimizing the risk to cause delay is critical for the overall project cost. General derisking approach is to perform 2D high-resolution seismic survey, CPT/SPT, and physical ground sampling to evaluate the geotechnical properties and identify any geohazard, but the resolution and coverage still does not cover the entire footprint of the construction area. Kraken Robotics's acoustic sub-seabed interrogation technology can fill the gap exists in these technologies and thus minimize the existing risk.
Acoustic Corer (AC) is an advanced acoustic beamforming techniques to produce an accurate 3D acoustic volume below the seabed, approximately 14m wide, and 40-60m deep, to mitigate risk at foundation locations for offshore installations such as wind turbines or oil/gas platforms. AC provide 3D map of stratigraphic layers, and detect geohazards such as boulders >0.2m diameter and gaseous soil layers.
The data can be utilized also to correlate existing geotechnical data and extrapolate properties across foundation footprints.
Sub-Bottom Imager (SBI) uses advanced acoustics to provide a real-time view of the sub-seabed in full 3D in a continuous longitudinal path 5m wide by 5-8m depth of subsea penetration. The SBI integrates with industry standard survey software to delineate discrete objects, stratigraphy and geohazards with decimeter resolution. The SBI can be operated from a surface vessel for shallow water, or from WROV for deep water.
SBI can be utilized to identify boulders and other submerged items along pipeline/cable route, and for As-Laid/As-Built survey, integrity survey to map and measure burial of cable, The survey of the cable can be performed without interrupting power transmission.

Explorer, Voyager, Surveyor
Saildrone designs, manufactures and operates the world's most capable, proven and reliable USVs. 3 types of platform, Explorer (7m long), Voyager (10m long), and Surveyor (22m long), is available and to be selected according to the purpose of the survey and water depth.
Powered primarily by wind and solar, the USV has a minimal carbon footprint and is equipped with advanced sensors and AI technology to collect critical data and information from any sea, anytime, in any season.
Secure and encrypted USV remote control and data collection services include bathymetry surveys, metocean data collection, environment observations, maritime domain awareness (MDA).
Explorer is known as the first USV to observe the outer circumference of Antarctica completely unmanned. Saildrone has proven its robustness and availability of continuous observation data transmission in storm conditions.
Surveyor is equipped with a multi-beam echo sounder for bathymetry survey for deep sea. Surveyor is large and stable platform with performance comparable to that of a marine research vessel. Saildrone also have versatile Voyager platform, in equivalent size as a small yacht that can perform multi-beam echosounder bathymetry survey for shallow water and other observations that is required in offshore wind farm.
Other various sensors, such as fish finder, and acoustic doppler current profiler are available in the lineup to support various missions, including meteorological and oceanographic observations.

Argeo Whisper / Listen
Requirement for surveys in deeper sea with much higher accuracy will increase as number of renewable projects, or deep sea mineral research projects in deeper water depth increase.
Argeo developed and operates AUV solutions "Argeo Whisper" and " Argeo Listen" service that enable surveys at a maximum depth of 6,000m for up to 50 hours (extendable to 240 hours). The solutions will investigate, for example, pipelines, cables, used for offshore wind farm and marine resource - deep sea minerals - development.
Argeo Whisper is a proprietary magnetic sensor to detect buried object utilizing AUV and ROV. UXO survey is 3-4 times faster than conventional ROV survey method. In deep-sea resource exploration, 50km2/day is possible at a depth of 6,000m.
Argeo Listen is a sensor that measures the strength of the electromagnetic field generated from underwater structures, confirms integrity of sacrificial anodes, and measures the buried state and depth of power transmission cables.

Robotics and Autonomous Solutions
Utilization of robotics in marine survey and offshore industry is being needed more than ever before due to the required work both quantitatively and qualitatively, safety for personnel, and for efficient and predictable project management. Based on our wealth of knowledge and experience in marine geophysical survey, we are committed to build solutions utilizing robotics and realize autonomous operation in these industries and further strengthen our range of services.
With our key partners globally, we keep innovating our solutions and strive to provide the best for our clients, industries, and further contribute to the sustainable society.