3D Model Samples
Please see a sample 3D model of the actual measurement and experience the accuracy.
01 Pipeline Mapping
This data was taken by ROV of a pipeline installed on the seafloor. Blocks protecting the pipeline and valves switching the pipe route are precisely reproduced.
02 Jacket and conductors
This data was taken from the jacket and conductor pipe of an offshore drilling well.
03 Cable Protection Systems
This data was taken by approaching the protection system section of the power cable extending from the J-tube of the offshore wind turbine tower. A large amount of biofouling can be seen on the protector. Scouring can also be seen on the seafloor.
04 Jacket Inner Leg with anod
The following is data on the inner leg of the jacket of an offshore drilling well and the sacrificial electrode attached to it. The sacrificial electrode shows some corrosion.
05 Jacket pilar leg
3D data of the area around the leg of the jacket pillar of an offshore drilling well. It shows the clean removal of attached organisms.
06 Mooring Chain
3D data of a mooring chain, tested for accuracy certification by Bereau Veritas. The ring pattern on the chain was used to test the accuracy of the measurement.
07 Manifold
This is a manifold cover on the bottom of a drilled well. Numerous biofouling is observed.
08 3PP cave
This image was taken inside an underwater stalactite cave, which is often found in the south of France. This kind of measurement is one of the strengths of the HYDRO300.
09 Dam
This data was measured in a highly turbid environment. The mud deposited below the dike is reproduced. The steel netting of the intake hole is also reproduced.
10 Boulegeade cave
This is a 3D model of a submarine limestone cave in Marseille-Chong, Southern France. This data is available for cave VR exploration due to the long measurement distance.